The intention of this ongoing project is to learn to let go, to experiment, to learn in the process, and to change direction in the middle of an idea without fear of failure. No steps back, no eraser, no Ctrl + Z.
I just want to document the evolution of a design that is in constant transformation.
Spray paint, stencil molds and markers →
Spray paint + white markers →
Eyes, eyes baby.
550 small googly eyes and 15 big ones →
Team work
Many times we have to work with other people and sometimes that makes us feel like we lose control. We feel frustrated when things don’t end up exactly the way we want. My goal with this design was to lose 100% control over the design process and put 100% trust on my team.
This time I didn’t design the horse, I asked some of my colleagues to do it instead. They were 5 people and each of them had 2 minutes to do anything they wanted to the horse. I didn’t give them any directions, advice nor judgement. I’m very happy with the end result.
© images by Daniel Forero