About Guido Pierandrei


1963 – Born in Sardinia, Italy, lives and works in Santa Teresa di Gallura, Sardinia, Italy

Guido Pierandrei is an award-winning Italian artist whose abstract paintings have been exhibited both nationally and in Japan.

« I truly believe colors have the power to guide feelings and lead to moments of nowhere and now-here, and this is the urge that moves within me. »


1990 – Economy Degree, University of Bologna, Italy

1994 – Advertising art Direction degree certificate, Accademia di Comunicazione, Milan, Italy


2020 – 35 x 35 Art Project / Copelouzos Family Art Museum – Athens, Greece

2020 – Galerie sonia monti / GALERIE SONIA MONTI – 6 Avenue Delcassé, 75008 PARIS – Parigi, France

2016 – group exhibition, IN MEMORY 2016 microbonet ArtCafè, Milan, Italy

2014-2013 – group exhibition Mostra micro2 | Circuiti Dinamici, Milan, Italy

2012 – group exhibition MURARTE – Pavia, Italy

Logica Universale- primo premio pittura “youarelight”- Ferrara, Italy

2011 – group exhibition “micro² 2010
CURATELA | Anna Epis e Aldo Torrebruno, Milan, Italy

2009 – solo exhibition c/o Space TADA, Pavia, Italy

2007 – solo exhibition c/o Free Space Atelier degli elementi naturali, Pavia, Italy

2004 – group exhibition “Artigianarte a Kyoto”, Progetto Japan Fair of Kyoto, sponsored by Regione Lombardia, curated by ‘Arte da Mangiare’, c/o Gallery of Kyoto Traditional Arts and Crafts, JAPAN.

2004 – group exhibition “I cinque monili della casa” by Feng Shui Consulting, Milan, Italy

2003 – group exhibition “Ebanis”, Spazio Rossana Orlandi, Milan, Italy

2002 – group exhibition “Xmass alchemies”, Spazio Rossana Orlandi, Milan, Italy

2001 – group exhibition “Biberon d’Artista” MACEF Fair, Milan, Italy

2001 – group exhibition by “arte da mangiare, mangiare arte” and AUS 18, curated by Ruggero Maggi and Antonella Micaletti, Milan, Italy

2001 – Esposizione ad AUS 18 Arredi artistici d’eccezione, Milan, Italy

2001 – solo exhibition c/o ‘Osho Circle School’, Rimini, Italy

2001 – solo exhibition “Magna Pars Café”, Milan, Italy

2000 – group exhibition ‘Genoma’… DNA, della nuova arte , Galleria Milan Art Center organized by Ruggero Maggi and Antonella Micaletti, Milan, Italy

2000 – group exhibition ‘Brera forpeace’, curated by redazione ARPANet, Milan, Italy

2000 – solo exhibition c/o ‘Le Trottoire’ Milan, Italy

1999 – solo exhibition ‘E-motion, Re-member’, c/o Galleria Mares, a cura di Valerio Dehò, Pavia, Italy

1998 – 9° edition Etruriarte, Tuscany, Italy

1997 – group exhibition ‘ Artisti Shivaiti’, Certosa di Pavia, c/o “Torre del Mangano”, Pavia Italy

About me

​I was born on the beautiful island of Sardinia in Italy, I left it at the age of 18 to study in the mainland… By that time I found myself a bit ( a lot ) confused in a world that I often felt a stranger to… so trying to fit in, I studied advertising art direction and graphic design.
The part of me that was still searching for my place in the big wide world in all the years to come never  went to sleep. After several very mystical life changing experiences, I went travelling to India. Little did I know that I would come home in a relationship starting a new adventure as a dad… it, somehow  became clear that I had to go back to my beautiful island… this amazing place where, just going for a walk takes you straight into an abstract painting! It is a wild and strong place with an overwhelming explosion of colors. It is so powerful, breathtaking and it is the only place I want to be doing what I love… painting and creating…during all these years, painting is where my soul sings…
But what never changed in all of those years, is the instant feeling of joy and peace that painting brings into my life, and I know that part of these feelings are transmitted through my paintings into your living space. What more could you possibly want.

Art defining your individuality, also brings greatness to any place. When space and abstract art join together in perfect harmony, then the magic happens.
Abstract Art is much more than just a name, In truth Art has forever Been the expression and creations with which the artist gives voice to the link between us and the longing and callings of the spirit deep inside each of us. 

Art has / is used to communicate or to express and move us to an action or feeling. Art is a possibility to connect to that space from where we come, where love and beauty is all there is….

My Abstract Art

When I paint, there is a world, my personal world happening in there, and still when you watch the painting, it becomes your world and your own personal way of perceiving it, that is happening… and that is why Art is so special, intriguing.

I’ve always felt that painting for me was an extremely intense and precious journey without distance, nowhere now here. And with work, over time and many experiments as well as changes of direction, it became increasingly clear my deep need on how to Impress a Sense of hope, of peace, using colors in a sweet and progressive way as a path a path that always culminates in something positive and refreshing. Arousing ancestral memories leading to that moment when the mind stops and feels the common memory of peace, creating doors… I love this term doors. And I have always felt that the choice of colors and their combinations was crucial, but also the way to help them with techniques that involve plenty of water, on a natural fabric and using the brush only to help but not force.

Every color has its unique essence, properties, and even though I am minimalist, I like to be guided by them, the structure is just the container of their strength and special character. But you see, abstract painting is like riding a Horse, you perceive it, you lead it and you control it. However you are in the presence of a powerful animal that wants to be free.
Another wonder from Art… a pleasing swing between subconscious and reality, chaos and order. That balance is wonderful, a space in which thoughts calm down, quietness takes over.

My Work

My art follows metaphorical visions through signs and colors, according to the perception of reality at the moment of creation. I explore the reality of matter and “what lies beyond its veil” through vibrant colors, engaging textures and mixed techniques. I think of reality as a stratification of levels, the hidden ones are what I imagine and look for; seeking doors that can carry consciousness elsewhere. I tend to focus my attention on the most feeble and distant levels which I see as the most real ones. The action of painting brings me on a journey of which I know nothing about but that feels welcoming and familiar. It is the constant search for these doors that guides the use of colors and their intrinsic character as a link between the different, yet, connected levels. Water becomes the additional tool for determining and conducting colors. Where the canvas is no longer the place to lay the colors, rather, the means to accommodate as much water as possible in a total cooperation of elements.